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We know how important it is to have the answers you need to make informed decisions when it comes to skin care for you and your family. Below are some of our most frequently asked questions.
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Why should I choose handmade?Handmade soap bars are a simple solution to some of our most common skin concerns. Soaps that are produced commercially are just that - commercial soaps made with the lowest cost ingredients to maximize profit - and we get it, that works well for most commercial companies. Here's the elephant in the room - All people are not the same. All skin types are not the same. All environments, food intake, quality of water, etc - vary on a massive scale. So many factors effect the condition and well being of your skin - which is why at Sinarie Soaps, we choose to create and use handmade soaps with varying different naturally occuring oils, fats, herbs, and essential oils that nourish and place focus on addressing your skin.
Can I place a custom order?Yes! We at Sinarie Soaps are skin-sensitive friendly! We understand that we all have different needs for our skin along with differing perceptions of aromas. If you see a product you like but want us to remove an ingredient or add an ingredient - we will be happy to create a custom soap tailored to your needs. Contact us at
I'm sensitive to fragrances, do you have a soap for me?"Yes! We mostly do not use fragrances - primarily we use essential oils - and we can take those out too! Be sure to read through the ingredients listed on each product to avoid any known skin allergies. If you're still unsure, contact us at We are happy to accomodate your skincare needs!
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